A review by moeisme1972
Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke


Such a refreshing and necessary read.

This book fell into my lap at a moment of dire need. During this previous school year, I placed a lot of my creative writing on hold. I would occasionally jot down a line or two of poetry in my notes app, but never anything beyond that due to the insanity that is the amount of essays I had to write. As summer has started (thank whoever is above), I am rediscovering my love for writing and storytelling. In doing so, I have actually begun writing a novel that rests very near and dear to my heart. 

All of that is well and good, but I’ve also found that throughout this strange transition of starting to write again I have begun practicing a lot of toxic and unhelpful strategies. These strategies specifically are the act of comparing and contrasting my work to others (very bad I know). Whether it’s a poem I feel really great about or a first draft for a chapter, I will immediately and without fail pick it apart into pieces until I eventually throw it away or face plant onto my bed in frustration. 

This book was exactly what my mind and heart needed to hear. Rilke has such a way with words (basic comment I know but IT’S TRUE THESE LETTERS ARE SO WELL WRITTEN). After reading the very first letter, I immediately felt a sense of relief and a weight lift from my shoulders. The advice Rilke gives in his letters are nowhere near new or profound really, in fact, I’ve had people give me the same advice before. But once again, Rilke's way of conveying the message through his diction is what makes it hit so deeply. This book contains things that people need to hear. Plus, the writing is simply to die for.

I hope that whomever is intrigued by this book reads it because it really is such a necessary read for all of the artists, creators, and dreamers. I think that even those who aren’t interested in writing or entering an artistic field can gain a lot from these letters.