A review by lettemeread
Chasing The Night by Iris Johansen


I received the Advanced Reading Copy from Librarything's Early Reviewer giveaway. When I first saw they were giving away arc's of Iris Johansen I was extremely excited. I received the book and I continued to be excited, the cover is engaging, the colors of the sunset or both settling and uneasy at the same time. Kinda weird.
I settled in to read another story about Eve Duncan.
This story wasn't so much about Eve, as it is about Catherine Ling. Years earlier Catherine helped to discredit a very powerful and ruthless man, in retaliation this man kidnapped her son and has been holding him hostage. Catherine is done waiting for this man to return her son, she is done waiting for government agencies to help her, she turns to Eve to enlist Eve's help with a computer aging program to see what her son would look like today. This is not Eve's specialty and it takes some convincing by Catherine to enlist Eve's aid.
Through many twists and turns, do Eve and Catherine go. Finally ending in the confrontation with the wicked powerful and psychotic man.
The story was relatively fast paced, which I like in these type of books. Which is strange because I kept getting the feeling that there should be a little more dialogue here and a little more description there. Other than the tiny little feeling, I enjoyed the plot and it kept me engaged which is always a good thing with a book. If you have read Iris Johansen before and liked the read, you'll like this one.