A review by amethystbookwyrm
Escapement by Ciara Knight


This and my other reviews can be found at Amethyst Bookwyrm

Thanks to Xpresso Books Tours for giving me this book to review.

Ten years after the great war of 2185 the queen’s reign is threatened by uprisings and fear. In celebration of my sixteenth birthday it is my duty as princess to sacrifice a slave to be initiated into the ruling council, solidifying my mother’s empire. When my own erratic powers surface I’m captured and tried for treason. Slaves hate me, my mother wants me executed, and my only chance of survival rests in the hands of a young man, Ryder Arteres, whose sister I sentenced to death.

Escapement is a really enjoyable YA dystopia full of action, suspense, romance, and unique powers. I found this book a bit hard to get into, but I think that had more to do with want was happening in my life at the time, rather than the book. This book is really well written as it has good world building and in-depth characters especially how the three main people interacted.

I really could connect to Semara as she is not perfect and very naïve, especially as she want to believe in her mother but is still willing to fight, to prove herself and always putting others before herself. Ryder is sacrificing and harsh character, but is also very caring and protective, especially over his sister Raeth. Raeth is a sweet girl who I wanted to protect but while scarred, she did not let it affect her too much.

I really liked this book and I am looking forward to reading the rest of The Neumarian Chronicles. I would recommend Escapement to fans of YA dystopia novels like Perfection by J L Spelbring.