A review by maxarcreads
Spirit Agents | Operation: Downfall by Chance Alexander, Chance Alexander


This is a 3.75 for me. I think this was an interesting concept because why wouldn't a spy thriller with female psychic agents stopping a plot that could destabilize the world not be interesting. 
Now this is set in a world that is somewhat our world as it has Texas and California but the political and world around it is different with a monarchy, borders and zones and magical beings/creatures. So, I do wish there had been a little world building to explain the who and what of this world. For me if you're going to change that much of the world you can't rely on peoples current understanding of the world around them to get around world building.
Now I also get this book is about 150ish pages so you are limited in what you can do, and I think this book had a lot of great ideas but it just all felt a little rushed and what I love about thrillers is the buildup to these exciting events and the excitement of seeing them playout and come to fruition. 
It also meant while I really liked the characters, I was not in love with them as there was little development on them so I just wasn't super invested in them, and I didn't really understand how they even came into their psychic abilities which I believe we find out might have been passed down through the family due to an angelic ancestor. But this is where world building and character development would have help create a more well-rounded character.

But overall, this was a really interesting concept and had a lot of interesting ideas that I think would have benefited with a little more development. I think the author's writing is well done and I just wanted more of it. It also definitely meets the action spy novel genre and would be appropriate for an older YA audience as the violence and blood is minimal but make sure to check the book to see if it is something you think your child would be comfortable with. 

This book is about two spirit agents Haley and Amber who are partners who stumble on a plot to try and take down members of the royal family including the Queen in an effort to destabilize the world in a middle of the war efforts against malevolent spirits. As they uncover more and more of this plot, they start to realize that they can trust no one, not even those within their own organization as the traitors seem to have infiltrated not just the highest seats of power within their organization but within the queen's own family. It's a race against time so Haley and Amber must use their psychic powers to uncover these traitors while keeping the queen safe and thus the world.