A review by stevia333k
Coach by Carol Lynne


this book was short as hell. like the sex scenes were too. honestly, though it was like all the m/m romance books in terms of events covered, but they were really brief.

this was written in 2007. now it's 2017. honestly it makes me think of how much has changed in my personal life, technology, how I see myself, what's been legal & mainstream.

like I was barely using the internet back in 2007. I was using Microsoft word a lot though.

i was seeing myself as bisexual & grieving my bff, now I know that I'm trans & not afraid to say it.

I was 12 in middle school. now I'm 22, and unwell (at home, on disability, etc.)

gay marriage was largely banned in state Constitutions in 2004 (so 3 years ago from their time) now it's been overturned by the supreme Court in 2015 (so 2 years ago in my time).

bush/43 was a horrid president but was on his way out. Trump/45 is a similar threat & even more clickbait embarrassment & just starting to work his way in.

phones & internet weren't synonymous back then, now most of internet traffic comes from them,

blackberries were the smartphones aka crackberries, Motorola razrs were the status standard phones. now it's iPhones & more galore & both of those are gone.

so basically I had nostalgia at recalling how ½ my life ago is gone. I wonder how I'll adapt in the next decade.

there were also 2 typos. that was humorous, considering how long this book's been out.

I give 3.5 stars. 4 stars because I want to explore the series & I have a secondary ship. in reality I'd give 3 stars, because of brevity & typos couldn't really immerse me. but I also think brevity is a virtue (just don't expect the pornographic scenes to be long enough) & it covered everything I look for in a m/m Romance story plotwise.

actually I'm eating this 3 stars but if I read this as a series it'd probably be much more enjoyable. because what lacks in length & details could probably be made up in coverage of others.

twas somewhat enjoyable.