A review by maymay0316
Ancient Vendetta by Katie Reus


I hate to say this because I am a huge Katie Reus and Ancients Rising fan but this was an underwhelming read for me. The cover even says this is a much anticipated read and I know other fans were curious & excited about this couples story as well. All the bits we had gotten about King and Aurora had me wondering how they were going to get together and so excited at the possibilities and yeah this was just not that.

I felt like this book had a whole lot and nothing going on at the same time. I was in the middle of the book and another couple got together with no progress for King and Aurora the two mains. Then when they finally get together I feel like they didn't explore more about Aurora's past trauma or why she was hesitant to enter a relationship with King. It felt sort of rushed and like we got some cute texts added as a bonus at the end of the book but this is the stuff I actually wanted to read. I would have preferred more focus on them. The vendetta plot was interesting and I did enjoy it, it was just the other couples and relationships going on in this book that I was over.

I am still excited to continue the series just hope I enjoy the next books a bit more.