A review by enchantingreads_rosyreviews
War Hour by Lauren Loscig


Part Hunger Games – part Divergent – with a splash ACOTAR Court drama, this book has it all. There’s training, Spartan-style games, twists, and plenty of action! Although this book easily fits into the YA Dystopian Fantasy genre, it breaks the mold by carving out a unique space where characters must complete a Trial in order to earn their powers. Each power is unique to how the Trial was completed and to the virtue of the Court in which they reside.

It took me about a third of the book before I was hooked because of my own internal expectations. Since I was expecting something akin to the Hunger Games, I assumed Lysta’s Trial was the climax of the story (i.e., the Trial would occur after significant world-building and suspense before she actually had her big, triumphant moment). But that narrative didn’t happen, so I was left wondering; what the heck is the rest of the book about then?

Though my own expectations kept me from diving head first and letting the story flow, that was no fault of the story or the writing. Once I got over that self-inflicted hurdle, I was captivated by the distinctive world-building, strong female main character (FMC), and the twists… oh the TWISTS!!! Don't make my mistake by placing expectations on this book, just let it flow because Loscig took the reader on a journey. It’s totally worth a read because it’s easy to follow, completely unique, and the world of Aloria is unlike anything you’ve ever read. I’d give this 5/5 stars (and I don’t do that often).