A review by bookph1le
The Spires by Kate Moretti


I really enjoyed this book. It helped me realize another type of book that's totally in my wheelhouse: thrillers revolving around toxic friendships. However, I will say that I found the villain rather over-the-top and that I figured out the twist at around 50% into the book, but neither seriously damaged my overall enjoyment of the book.

This is mainly because Moretti does such a great job of getting you right into Penelope's head and helping you understand what's going on and what's motivating her actions. I found the chapters that delve into the past so well-developed, and the grasp on what keeps people in toxic relationships to be very firm. I know it can be hard for people who've never experienced one to understand the push and pull of a toxic relationship, but Moretti really captures the cycle: the rising determination to get out, followed by the tiny pinpricks of doubt that punch holes into that resolve.