A review by unielesta
The Ghost Files 3 by Apryl Baker


4.5 stars actually.

I love this series! I saw the books on Amazon and thought I'd try them out because they were really cheap (I think the first book might have been free) and I like ghosts, and so I figured why not. I'm really glad I did.

About this book in particular, first of all, that ending. I wasn't expecting that at all and now I'm really looking forward to part 4. I also still want to know what the deal is with both Silas and Zeke. Oh, and Mattie's mom.

I also totally didn't see who was killing those girls. Although I'm still not sure I quite get their motivation. I mean, I get the reasoning explained, it just felt like there should be more than that? But maybe that's just me.

Speaking of that, there were two people who died near the end I was kind of upset about. I know why they had to die, but I liked them and was hoping they'd join the ghost/demon fighting circle, if only tangentially.

But other than that I really have nothing right now to complain about. I love Dan and Mary. I like Eli and Caleb. (I could maybe be convinced to change that to love...although there was one point where I was actively disliking Eli.) And Mattie is actually becoming one of my favorite characters.