A review by abookwormwithwine
A Transcontinental Affair by Jodi Daynard


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ / 5

[b:A Transcontinental Affair|44080341|A Transcontinental Affair|Jodi Daynard|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1557506776l/44080341._SX50_.jpg|68546359] is my first time reading a novel by [a:Jodi Daynard|713012|Jodi Daynard|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1556639157p2/713012.jpg] but it definitely won't be my last. This was such a great historical fiction novel, and one that I will remember for a long time to come.

A Transcontinental Affair focuses on the Pullman Hotel Express, which is the first train to travel cross-country from Massachusetts to California. Before reading this book I knew absolutely nothing about this train or even when the first train traveled from coast to coast (1870). There was such a plethora of information in this book and I really enjoyed learning about this piece of our history that I knew nothing about.

I really loved the main three young women that the book mostly focuses on which are Hattie, Louisa, and Julia. Hattie is traveling to San Francisco to marry a fiancé she has never met, Louisa is the daughter of a Reverend sent aboard to work for a wealthy family as a governess, and Julia is on board with her father who also ends up being Hattie's chaperone so to speak. Hattie was such a strong character and she was so knowledgeable and inquisitive about so many things that I loved reading from her viewpoint. It took me longer to warm up to Louisa, but in the end she was completely endearing.

A Transcontinental Affair is only the second book I have read with a LGBT theme, and it definitely wasn't too strong in this novel which might be why I didn't even know it was there until I read it. There is also some violence towards both animals and people which could end up being a trigger warning for some. This book is set in the days when Native Americans were still called 'Injuns' if that tells you anything.

Even though there was violence, there were also so many things that made me laugh and usually it was because of Hattie. Basically the only reason that I didn't give this book a 5 is because it tended to get a little confusing, especially when there were a lot of things going on. Other than that I absolutely loved the gem that is A Transcontinental Affair.

Final Thought: I think most historical fictions lovers will be a fan of this book, and if you love setting details you will definitely find them in A Transcontinental Affair. I actually felt like I was on the train while reading which was something I personally really enjoyed. I also really loved the ending and was so satisfied with what happened. I can't wait to read more books by Daynard!

Thank you to NetGalley for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.