A review by protoman21
One More Thing: Stories and Other Stories by B.J. Novak


A very strong collection of short stories by the wonderfully talented B.J. Novak! I don't read short stories that often, but this is exactly the kind that I enjoy. They are all relatively short and they each have something unique and creative about them that makes them stand out. Some have twist endings, which I always love especially if I don't see it coming, while others are so off the wall that the whole thing is a twist. I found the quality dropped off a bit as the collection went on, but it wasn't too drastic that I would recommend stopping before the end.

One standout for me was "The Man Who Invented the Calendar" just for it's creativity. Obviously told in a modern voice, the story explains the quirks in our modern calendar in a way that I would have never come up with in a million years.

Another entertaining story was "No One Goes to Heaven to See Dan Fogelberg." We have all spent time imagining what Heaven is like, but I'd never thought about it in quite these terms. A well told story that makes you think and has some laughs as well.

I was hooked from the very first story "The Rematch." In it, the hare feels regret for botching his first race with the tortoise and learns a valuable lesson about patience and dedication. There is a ton of great irony here and the story moves along with perfect timing and nice funny moments.

Worth a read even if you aren't a fan of his work on TV, though I should add as a disclaimer that I am a fan of his from The Office and he is approximately my age and seems to share a similar sense of humor.