A review by sarahrosebooks
Unlawful Killings: Life, Love and Murder: Trials at the Old Bailey by Wendy Joseph KC


This was a very interesting and compelling read. I like how the author picked the subjects she covers in this book - gang-related violence, stabbings, rape, death by dangerous driving and more, all seem to point to issues that are prevalent in society now and force us to confront the question of what we can do as a society to prevent these crimes from occurring.

This is a book full of dark subjects with plenty of content warnings to be aware of, but it's very engaging and I didn't get bored at all. Even the legal speak is done in a way that makes it easy to understand. It's almost written as if we are the jury, but instead of getting all the gritty details we get the bare bones. I must admit, in many of the cases I tried to guess what the outcome would be, and I wasn't always right - especially in the last case the author talks about.

I'd really recommend this for those interested in the law and what goes in a court such as the Old Bailey. I'll definitely look out for more from this author in the future.