A review by mrs_ayn
Three Broken Promises by Monica Murphy


4 Make Me Yours Stars

I really enjoyed this book!
It was very different from the first two in the series, and yet, it was still as good.
Of course since it's not the same couple, you hope it won't be the same kind of book, and the author did a great job at making their story completely different from Fable and Drew's.


Collin, God, how I hated to see you struggle with guilt you didn't even need to have. I know it's hard, but I just wanted him to stop thinking so much most of the time. I mean between the guilt from this, and the guilt from that, he never truly lived a happy life.
Jen needs commitment from the man she loves desperately, but is afraid to ask too much of him and miss her shot before she leaves.

It's hard watching two people love each other but get held back because of the past. Colin, I wanted to shake a lot of sense into you when we could read how you felt about her, but did nothing about it, and letting her think you were indifferent.
So yeah, this was basically their relationship for a while.


But sometimes he could also be really cute, and romantic, and those are the parts that made you fall in love with Collin Wilder.

"I'd do anything for you," I vow solemnly. "Haven't you realize that yet?"

Of course Fable and Drew are still my babies and I do love them a bit more than I loved Collin and Jen. So it was really nice to see that they weren't forgotten, but at the place put in this story as secondary characters. Fable was kind of a badass in this one, and Drew the voice of reason. God I love that man, he makes me laugh.

So I'm quite sad to have finished this book so quickly, but at least I have Owen's story to expect soon.

** arc provided by Random House Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. **