A review by jackiehorne
No Good Duke Goes Unpunished by Sarah MacLean


Usually when a lot of readers find a romance heroine unlikable, I find her fascinating. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case with Mara Lowe, who, on the eve of her marriage to a much older Duke, runs off, leaving a bloodied bed and a drugged young man in her stead. Unbeknownst to Mara, the man she culled into serving as her screen was the son of her intended, and instead of ending up accused of debauching Mara, he ends up accused of killing her (so much blood, even without any body...). Though never prosecuted, the duke's heir is shunned by good society, and ends up on the streets. Luckily, he was helped by a mysterious benefactor, and now works in a gaming hell, engaging in bare-knuckle fighting to settle patrons' debts.

Years later, Mara's brother is indebted to the club, having stolen the money his sister needs to keep the orphanage she's founded from closing. Ah, yes, redeem an ethically-iffy heroine by putting her in charge of orphans. And give her a cute pet pig. Surely she must be worthy!

To get back the money, Mara comes out of hiding, approaching the "Killer Duke" with a proposition--she'll redeem his reputation if he gives her back the money her brother lost at the club. She never explains why she needs it, though, nor does she offer any apology or excuse for why she left him to take the blame for her disappearance.

I liked the way Mara interacted with "Temple" -- she's not just feisty, but challenging, smart and wily. But I just could not get past the lack of logic behind her initial flight, nor her decision not to come forward once she heard the consequences of her actions. We later are told she fled because she saw her father hit her mother a blow that ended up killing her, and feared the same would happen to her if she married an older powerful man (though we're never shown that the duke's father was physically abusive). After she ran away, she didn't hear about the murder rumors; after news did reach her, she still decided to remain hidden, allowing the man she duped to spend years having others believe him guilty of murder. OK, I might have bought that, if we'd been SHOWN her fear, if the danger she feared had been made more tangible. But we're only told about it after the fact, so it loses any emotional or justifying impact. And when I found out that she didn't even come forward after the death of her own father, and the death of the man she was to have married, after all threats against her are gone, I just could not sympathize with her at all. She'd gone beyond sketchy, right over into dangerously morally challenged.

And then there was the too-cute pig. And the ridiculous back-and-forthing and false misunderstandings/self-sacrifices after the two protagonists had initially come together. And the black-and-white characterization of the thieving brother, a younger brother who'd helped her escape and whom she'd left behind with the abusive father. And the pig :-(