A review by readgayly
The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski


This book has my whole heart & soul and was SUCH a pleasant surprise!!

I'm usually not the biggest fan of sci-fis/dystopians, which is what I originally thought the premise was leaning towards. But it had a f/f lead couple, so I gave it a shot. Thank GOODNESS I did!
I'm also a big fan of more character driven books as well, which I think "The Midnight Lie' is a perfect example of. Give me that character development from our main characters, while slowly explaining the plot/world building of the book, THANKS!

Also, Sid is 100% my type and I think I understand the whole 'fictional boyfriend/girlfriend" thing. I lost count at how many times Sid would say something flirty to Nirrim, and I would literally gasp and need a second, because "oh my goodness Sid, you're such a flirt and I love you!" (Apparently the sequel will be told in Sid's POV and I just know I'm not going to be okay.)

From a plot/world building perspective, I thought it was really well thought out and explained. Granted, I know this book is within the same world as "The Winner's Curse", so that might have something to do with it? But as someone diving into this world, I wasn't confused in the slightest. In fact, I think the author did a great job in slowly explaining information that's needed as well as continue to keeping us intrigued?

All in all, if you love books that are filled with complex world building/magic(ish) systems, beautifully written characters, and a wlw centered couple...READ THIS BOOK!