A review by sam_hartwig
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan


Even though this was written 10 years ago, it doesn't seem to have aged in it's writing. You know how some books (especially YA dystopian books) can sound similar to other books you've read and the concept is old news, well I didn't feel like that while listening to this. A great advantage to reading books like this years after release is that I don't need to wait to read the rest of the series *YAY*

The writing and feel of the book felt almost beautiful, even though a lot of the content was horrifying. I loved how the book began as kind of a cult, then it turned into a horror/survival novel with some romance thrown in too.

I hate zombies, but I always seem to be drawn to them in books. I'm really intrigued to see where this series will end up, and grateful that my library has the other two books on audio.

Sort of Spoiler Alert!!!

There was a scene with a baby that had me choking back tears. Since becoming a parent I can't handle anything with children or babies coming to harm.