A review by corvinascloud
Rachel by Serena Akeroyd


thankfully, rachel and rex were already together by the end of the first book in this duet, so this story was less about then getting back together and more about how they progressed as the ending of this chapter came to be. even though we're getting more books in the crossover series, this was the final one from the og generation west orange motherchapter; that prologue with them all coming together 30 years later soothed me after how storm's book ended. but lodestar was it for me in this book, from how her pov was left off in part one to her departure this time around, the roller-coaster she brought us along in. i won't survive her and conor's story if them in this book in particular was any indication. their love story has been the only constant since the start of this universe; in a way, star has had an hand in every single couple's story.