A review by watermelon_pepperoni
Winter by Marissa Meyer



While this book has some parts that made me beat it with my fists(purely for THE FEELS), I loved it overall.

Without spoilers:
-Oh Captain Thorne. You're still the best male lead.
-Cinder is the Queen of my heart.
-Friendships! So many new friendships!
-I highly anticipate Stars Above.



The breakdown:
Winter & her story were handled very well. The end of her tale kind of...gave me weird feelings. Also, at the begining of her tale it felt...predictable? In a way none of Meyer's other "retellings" did. BUT overall, she was a strong heroine. Jacin was a lot more developed in this book, which is good because I felt so MEH about him in book one.

The Cinder side of the story were done really well. I've always loved Cinder and her journey. It's such a strong, awesome conclusion. Also, Kai really grew on me. Like, I think he might be my second favorite second hero after Captain Thorne (<3). They're both so...yes.

Scarlet's story was interesting. I loved her new relationship with Winter, and it was also a great break to have a couple who were established and not "oh noes, does that person like me?" Not that I mind romantic tension, but it was nice to have variety there. And Wolf. Wolf. I wanted to cry. He's just suffered so much, and I just wanted him and Scarlet to be happy on their damn farm.

Finally, last but not least, Cress and Thorne. Oh Cress, I love you so much. She is tied with Iko for my second fav heroine in the series. I will admit, the...romantic tension here was a BIT irky. Like, I liked the scene with the Lunar, and the bedroom scene, but...not 10% of the Rampion scenes. I felt it was a bit over done considering the events of Cress. However, apart from the romance which...cute, I really liked that they were seperated a lot. Cress got to do so much. She was a hero.

...and Thorne


He's perfect. Such a great character, with understandable, internal conflict, real growth, and HEART.

Let it be written on my grave: Captain Carswell Thorne is AWESOME.

(Which reminds me, I need to get my hands on his short story. Like, NOW.)