A review by booknerd315
Cradles of the Reich by Jennifer Coburn


Thank you to Netgalley and publisher for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Publication: October 11, 2022

I had a hard time with this book even though I so badly wanted to love it. The writing felt a bit long winded and a tad disjointed. One minute I'm engulfed in the story and then I'm thrust into the past but no idea how far in the past. I wished the author tried to make those transitions a little smoother.

Another thing that didn't jive with me is how flat some of the characters seemed to me. They weren't very well rounded so I felt that some characters where just stereotypical. For example, some of the German officials were just painted as pigs and only interested in sex. Maybe that is what the author was going for but it left me feeling discombobulated as a reader.

Overall, I appreciated how well researched this was and that it was a topic I knew little about. However, I didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped I would.