A review by judithdcollins
Safe with Me by Amy Hatvany


HATVANY’S “Best of the Best! SAFE WITH ME is an award-winning book, rightly deserving to be at the top of the list as the recipient of Best Fiction of 2014.

When I give a 5-star rating, it is due to a number of criteria, with the main one, “not being able to put the book down”. So when you run across a book such as SAFE WITH ME, five stars seems inadequate, deserving of more. (you want to blog and tell all your friends to buy this book, TODAY)!

I knew the first time I read one of Amy’s books, she would be one of my favorite authors for life. Everything she writes is so masterfully crafted, reflective of her talents as a highly skilled author, speaking from the heart with honesty, sensitivity, and humor.

She is not afraid to tackle highly charged subjects such as alcoholism, grief, critical illness, sickness, abuse, family drama, relationships, social subjects, death, bullying, and organ donation.

From the first page, I was hooked! There are some strong women characters here, and the topics Hatvany selected, and the brilliant way she was able to skillfully create a path for each of these women to connect and intersect, was outstanding!

The characters had so many flaws, yet she used them in such a delicate way to create a positive and warm feel and take away, for her readers and fans. (I also enjoy her acknowledgment with the creation of her stories — inspiring).

SAFE WITH ME, offers an array of feelings —from the emotional to the physical. From creating false identity and hope of oneself, coping with insecurities and dishonesty, fabricating stories and lies created by fear, and continuing to keep feelings and actions buried deeper, for a more serious outcome.

I especially related to the abuse topic, a victim in a similar situation with a wealthy, controlling the second husband, with Jekyll and Hyde, Sleeping with the Enemy type personality, as James; in so much, I could almost predict his next move, with painful memories resurfacing, as I turned the pages of this realistic plight. Fortunately, I was able to escape this abusive marriage after five long years, finding a highly independent and rewarding life thereafter.

I loved the character of Hannah, a successful hair stylist owner, mother, friend, daughter, sister, and business partner; picking herself up, getting back into the world and trusting again, as well as her altruistic friendship and nurturing with Olivia and Maddie.

Maddie’s first-hand struggle as patient and afterward as a transplant survivor was heartbreaking, as she is attempting to survive in the world new to her while dealing with her own guilt and prison within her own home.

In addition, how social media and technology plays a huge part in the storyline and narrative, as well as how teens can become involved in such peer pressure with such tactics as bullying, shoplifting, as well as online attempts to help make themselves to fit in and be more acceptable.

There are so many dynamics to this powerful and riveting story which will keep you turning well into the night, with your heart pounding to see what coming around the corner. We all need friendships, encouragement, and support to help those in a time of need through grief, with domestic shelters, and support groups.

An amazing story, which will live on well after the last page. Hats off Amy – this is a winner! Thank you, for the courage, tenacity, and commitment to craft such a remarkable story. I highly recommend, as well as all her books. (Here’s hoping for a sequel with Hannah, Olivia, and Maddie -these characters are too good, to end.)



Check out Amy's upcoming, Somewhere Out There coming March, 2016. (another 5 Star)