A review by midnightbookgirl
The Storyteller by Traci Chee


This is an amazing, heartbreaking series! I can't recommend this enough, even though I made the mistake of listening to the ending while driving to work this morning, which led to me ugly crying on the highway. Whatever. Worth it.

I do regret wearing mascara though.

I listened to the entire series on audio, which was delightful, but I'm planning on buying the trilogy in print as well. Mostly because I want these gorgeous covers on my shelves, and partly because that means more money to Traci Chee which will hopefully fund her future writing projects that will also tear out my heart.

So, yeah, read this series. It's awesome. It's pretty much got everything in it, so no excuses that there's nothing in it that interests you. Why fight your destiny to read this book, what is written will come to pass.