A review by jen286
A Crack in Everything by L.H. Cosway


This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

Wow. Okay, A Crack in Everything. You know those stories about broken people? People who have not grown up in the best of circumstances but still survive and are awesome? This is the start of one of those stories. One of those stories with people in who I can't help but love and root for and want nothing but the best for. One of those stories where I wish I could give the main characters everything and help them out of their situation. But life is not like that. You have to work hard to maybe have a chance to change things for yourself. Oh, this story was wonderfuly heartbreaking.

Evelyn and Dylan live in the poor section of town. Neither of them have much, they live in the poor housing block, the kind where people are really poor. The kind where it is so hard to get out of because you don't have access to things you might otherwise have. Because living there can crush you a bit. But Evelyn doesn't let it get her down. For how run down and not nice her living situation is she is all sunshine and rainbows. She loves gardening and is determined to bring a little bit of beauty to their otherwise drab surroundings. She looks on the bright side and see the positives where others don't. She hasn't been living here that long, just since her mom left and she moved in with her aunt who is amazing. She has a roof over her head, a guardian who loves her, her gardening and her best friend Sam. What more could she want?

Dylan lives in the same building as Evelyn, but is kind of an outcast at school. He always hangs out with the same two people and she never really noticed him that much. Until he comes barging into her place one day. Hiding from people who are out to get him for not doing what they want him to do. Dylan who is such a downer, always looking at the negatives of a situation. These two are kind of the exact opposite, but they were so cute together! I loved them so much!

Neither Dylan nor Evelyn have ever dated or anything so watching the two of them fall for each other was so sweet. I loved it. I loved how mister doom and gloom mellowed a bit around miss sunshine and rainbows. How they bettered each other and were there for each other. How they both know the most random things and love talking about them together. I loved these two. Sure you know right from the start that something happens. That they have a time apart (since the next book is when Dylan comes back to Evelyn), and you know it is going to be painful. You know Dylan wants out. He can't live where they do forever. And Evelyn can't leave. She won't. People are counting on her and she can't let them down. These two were destined to not work, but oh I didn't realize how painful it would be. For such a sweet story that had some great moments of lightness and humor, this ending made me feel all the feels. I really hope these two make it and it is not too rough getting to that happily ever after. I loved this story. I love the story of two people who are so meant for each other, but have to go through life before they can hopefully make everything work out. I typed this up as soon as I finished because I needed to get to book two. I needed to see what happened. And I didn't want book two to color this review.

*Note: I received a free copy of this book for voluntary review consideration