A review by cmitchell2781
My Champion by Glynnis Campbell



I was not over impressed with this book. I struggled with it for days, just completely uninterested. I finally finished it in the hopes that something would improve, but it really didn't. Linet is selfish, rude, self-important, haughty...everything dislikeable in a character. Shes so caught up in being better than this beggar, and so important because she's of noble blood, and "self-seficient" because its her first year selling her wares on her own that she walks right into a trap with a trafficker, because he portrays himself as a noble and must therefore be good.
Duncan is just as hard to handle. This gallant, chivalrous man who can't even understand when he's not wanted. So caught up in his own gallantry that he's going to impose on a women who clearly does not want his help, regardless of if she needs it. And then he has the audacity to expect her gratitude for his imposing nature, and surly when he doesn't receive it. So he keeps hounding her, unsure of why his manly ways don't work on her as it does other women to have her throwing herself at his feet in gratitude.
Maybe the ending was supposed to resolve all of these numerous character flaws, but it would have been a much better written story had they had an arching resolution as opposed to a sudden chapter at the very end.
Having read other books by the author and actually quite enjoying them, I was sadly disappointed with this.