A review by tubz99
The Hollow Heart by Marie Rutkoski


Man I really struggled to get through this and only made it to 30% before DNFing. It took so long to get any where. The characters I enjoyed so much in the first book were lacking and I just found myself getting so annoyed at them.

Everything that was great about Nirrim; her selflessness, innocent curiosity, fierce passion for justice was just...all removed here and replaced with a cruel tyrant who I did not give two shits about. It lacked so much feeling and missed the mark in what I believe was supposed to be a justified turn to evil. She was a villain without any substance because her motives were ignited by an otherworldly magic spell that took away pretty much her entire personality. She essentially became another character with the real Nirrim popping in now and then to say "no don't do that" and getting no where.

Sid also didn't really work for me. When we meet her in Midnight Lie, she's surrounded by an air of mystery and stands out with her carefree attitude in a city where everyone is oppressed and subservient. But when she's taken back home to her kingdom, that carefree spirit just turns into spoiled brat with a complex.

Also I was fed up with the constant repetition in this book. If you total it up, there was at least a page's worth of passages about how handsome Sid is and how she likes to sleep around and break women's hearts...and when it came to the romance, all Nirrim and Sid remembered of one another was the physical aspects of their relationship. It just read as lust to me.

I hate writing negative reviews but these are my honest thoughts...