A review by btecbobdylan
Notes from Walnut Tree Farm by Roger Deakin


As a naturalist you hope never to lose your virginity, always to be looking with wonder, to remain innocent, wide-eyed.

Roger Deakin (rest in primrose)

A very very beautiful book. The care with which Deakin observes the world around him is inspiring to me as a writer, sure, as a keeper of notebooks, as a walker and a swimmer; but even more inspiring to me as a human being. We need more Roger Deakins in this world and I am mourning the loss of a man I never knew.

UEA's library is currently closed to non-students but as soon as they reopen, I'm going to go and view Deakin's archive, flip through the notebooks from which this lovely book was put together.

I'm not lonely here because I feel so connected to the trees, the house, the meadows, the birds, the insects. I also feel connected to my friends. But I believe that so many people are so cut off from all the other things, the trees, etc. that it is good to make a small compensating gesture in my life and relate to them if I can.