A review by localcourtjester
The Courts of Chaos by Roger Zelazny

First of all, I highly suspect that everyone is lying and I am the only living human to actually make it this far in Zelazny's romp through the shadowlands.
On the off chance people are not lying, I refuse to believe anyone actually knows what's going on at this point.
Basically: everyone is conspiring with everyone else except Corwin because he's not smart enough--ahem--I mean because he's too noble. Also the "Realms of Chaos" are out there doing something, not sure what.

Basically, I have a wild soft-spot for the Nine Princes in Amber and all of their hijinks because my Dad made me read them before I developed the ability to read critically and I can't do it in retrospect, I'm still not sure I'd actually recommend them to anyone who isn't very invested in 70s sci-fi and hasn't already read, like, other, better books.

If you're into the whole amber shebang, this is a good one.