A review by caribbeanprncss
The Girl Who Was on Fire: Your Favorite Authors on Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games Trilogy by Leah Wilson


As an English Literature graduate student it's wonderful to see professional and academic essay collections about books you love that most academics wouldn't consider 'literature', this is one of those books. As a fan of The Hunger Games series and a lover of classical literature, seeing other YA authors take on this series from an academic standpoint is quite amazing and intriguing. Not only that, but the themes of the essays are incredibly interesting. A few that stand out are the essay about genetic mutation in our actual world and the Hunger Games world, the one about fashion in the Hunger Games series and, most interestingly, the essay on the political world presented in the Hunger Games series. As someone who hates everything and anything to do with politics, I found myself incredibly surprised to enjoy this particular essay more than the others. In the end, this anthology is something every older Hunger Games fans and literature aficionado must read.