A review by luisasm
The Supernatural Enhancements by Edgar Cantero


I really liked this book, but I need to make some clarifications about why. My favorite stories as a kid were Nancy Drew, Scooby Doo, and any ghost story. This book is all of those things combined in something more adult, plus a haunted house and a secret cult. This is all to say that it might be an acquired taste. Some people really didn't like the ending because it's so outlandish, and honestly they're right. It is completely outlandish. But you know what? I loved it. I bought that outlandishness hook, line and sinker and enjoyed every moment. I felt that the book needed to end in some absolutely insane way or it would be anticlimactic. I loved the clues, the setting, the humor (it's actually funny!), those tastes of fantasy and science fiction, and of course those characters, especially Niamh, a heroine worthy of Nancy Drew and Velma. I also loved those twists at the end which really got me. I thought the epistolary style was creative and didn't mind it at all, but I can easily see that it might not be others' style. Most of all, I recommend reading this book with acceptance, if you can. Just buy into it. It's fun, it's hard to put down, it's somewhat ridiculous, and it's an excellent mystery. Try not to take it too seriously. You might have questions at the end. It's okay. Accept them. Let them be. Enjoy them. It's supposed to be that way.