A review by inblackink
May the Best Man Win by Z.R. Ellor


What a disappointment I couldn’t even finished it. This was one of the new releases that I was most looking forward to and oh man how much it hurts me that i didn’t like it. This had the potential to become the new red, white & royal blue and I am so mad that it wasn’t good.

The representation was fine, I am trans myself and I related to a lot of what Jeremy was feeling. He is really angry at everyone, at himself, at his life; i could relate to that, I get it. But dude, this character kept making the worst fucking choices he could make over and over again. How stupid can a character be until I stop reading??? I draw the line in Jeremy. The coming out to his boyfriend scene... no. Just no. He dumps his boyfriend because he is no fucking psychic. How about you telling him directly instead of assuming that “what if i am not the same person” is the same as telling him that you are trans????

Let’s talk about the friendships here because do they even like each other? First of all Jeremy’s best friend (Naomi I think I don’t remember) wtf? She stops talking to him because he did something that gave them the attention they needed to win the homecoming shit. And yes, I know they are teenagers and they get mad over stupid things, I was one not that long ago and I would have never stop talking to my BEST FRIEND because someone bullied and misgendered him. And then complains about him talking too much over the summer about his problems. Wow, sorry that he is going through something kind of traumatic and needs you to be there for him.
And the Ben thing, aren’t this like your only friend, Jeremy?? The only one who is still on your side? And you went that did that. Ok. Just say that you all hate each other and be done with it.

Lukas was the only character in my opinion that made a little sense. Boy, just forget about this horrible people and live a happy life, you deserve it.

With all my respects to the author, I think this was the worst way to go with such a great idea. It was not very well written, confusing in some parts which is surprising for how little the plot moved through the first half of the book. I didn’t like the characters and I was bored reading it because I felt that nothing had truly happened.

So basically, poorly written bad characters with a boring pace but good representation.