A review by taschima
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Nine, Volume 1: Freefall by Jane Espenson, Andrew Chambliss, Joss Whedon


"..I'm Buffy. Followed by the words chosen, and one."

The Buffster is back, and she is... as normal as ever.

The whole Scoobie gang is super normal. Xander and Dawn are giving it the old college try (ew still), Willow is back to being a computer wiz that pays the bills, Andrew went all bad ass and started an organization with the help of the trained slayers, Spike is being a bug leader, and Buffy... works in a coffee shop/bookstore, or something. We are back to the basics where the biggest bad of any given night was a pissed off vampire, and it feels weird yet nice to have the slate clean. It feels like the story could go anywhere, and now that Magic has been expelled from the world, thanks to the Buff, every other demon is out for blood!

I both love and abhor the new status quo, mainly because Buffy seems very directionless. She was this bad ass and now she is back to being a slayer, which is a nice change of pace from "everything can and WILL happen" season 8. I am so happy Spike is back in the Buffy world I can't even. Xander and Dawn are being all couple-y and "we are trying real hard to be normal!" I hope they break up, do not like them together. Willow is a little too "okay" with being without magic, I think something is up with her. And Buffy is trying really hard to be a part of the normal world, but it seems the normal world wants nothing to do with her. New breed of vamps are out to get her, a new big bad is rolling into town, and even the cops are after the big bad Slayer. It is a whole new world, this is Buffy 2.0, the adult edition.

Things I want to happen: The band REALLY getting back together. I hate how everybody is down on Buffy, and even worse how she is down on herself, about destroying the seed the having Magic leave the world. I mean, she was in a very tough spot, and a lot of people were going to DIE. She did the best she could, and now she is living with virtual strangers instead of being like Willow's roommate. How did she even meet these roomies? Who knows, but maybe they are evil and have horrible motives (one can only hope).

Spike + Buffy forever (I mean come on, I hated the minute Angel showed up in Season 8-- isn't he supposed to be all in love with Cordelia now or something? Wishi-washi Angel).

Xander and Dawn need to break up.

Willow needs to stop being so passive, it is weird and I don't buy it. Where is your dark side girl? I bet you are looking for all ways to bring magic back, I just know it.

Giles, RIP. Ghost Giles? Nah, the kids are all grown up. But Anya needs to come back. She is on my top 3 list of faves.