A review by lpineo
Splash by J.R. Hart


Review by Lisa Pineo

*I received this eARC from NineStar Press via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

My ratings: * I hated it ** It was okay *** I liked it **** Really good ***** Great
TW (trigger warnings): death, graphic sex scenes

Long streams of exposition and many detailed sex scenes made "Splash" by J.R. Hart a bit of a slog to get through. 3.5 stars

Description from the publisher:
"Connor Molina’s summer can’t get any worse. He’s stuck in his college town taking summer classes, and he’s got a dead-end lifeguard job he’s too old for and a baby gay who’s thirsty for all the wrong guys.
Even worse? Tristan, a wild patron, won’t leave his section of the pool, splashing him and pulling stupid stunts to get his attention. When Tristan fakes a drowning to get closer to him, Connor’s furious, but he quickly realizes that Tristan’s reckless nature isn’t always infuriating…it’s also intriguing.
Can he let his guard down and let Tristan in, or will he be bound by his own rules and drown in the self-doubt this summer could free him from?"

I almost DNF'd this book but kept going because I had asked for and received an ARC of the novel. The first half of "Splash" was filled with so much internal dialogue and repetitive thought that I had to force myself to keep going. The story itself, Connor working his boring job and having a summer fling that turned into more, was somewhat interesting but I never really came to love the characters. Even with all that rambling introspection I still didn't feel like I had a complete idea of who Connor or Tristan were. Half the book was spent detailing every sexual encounter between the two characters, which was at least well written and where the most emotion was felt. It's the other parts of the book I found lacking. I am by no means the intended target audience being a cisgender woman in my 40s but I have read a lot of LGBTQIA+ young adult novels and this one just wasn't up to par with others in this category. Recommended if you want to read a lot of gay sex, other skip this one.