A review by dvrk_academic
Into the Wildbarrens by Christian Sterling


First off, I wanted to thank the author, Christian Sterling, for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
If you are looking for a beautiful fantasy story, this book is for you, especially if you are starting out in the genre. I felt so nostalgic reading this book! It's Deltora Quest mets the Shannara Chronicles and growing up, those were my favourite books.

What I loved about the book:
*SO. MUCH. ACTION: I'm not a fan of slow books, generally speaking, and this book had action in almost every single chapter. I loved it.
*The strangers to family trope: the characters in this book started off as strangers and developed into friends. By the time the book ended, they were one united family and it was honestly so beautiful to read.
*The diversity in the book: while this book is not set in modern day, the characters in the book didn't come from one place, they came from all over the lands of Elsana, each a different race. This representation is sooo important and I'm glad Christian included it.
*Romance: CARTHON AND NYM!!!! I was rooting for them from the beginning! I was ecstatic about that!

What I didn't like:
* The book does need a little more editing. This didn't bother me, but it's definitely something to consider for the future.
*The relationship between Red and Bossador, especially in the beginning. I felt that they went enemies to friends real quick. I would've loved to see more development there.
*The fact that this book only showed us one gem! Don't get me wrong, it was an adventurous book but I did feel as though it was stretched out.

Overall, this book is an amazing start to a series I definitely want to continue reading it. It has sooo much potential and I'm excited to see where the journey takes us. Thanks again Christian!!