A review by bcjoneschrist
Les Misérables by Victor Hugo


Took a uncharacteristically long time for me to finish—Victor Hugo, I apologise—but it was entirely worth it.
I’d dabbled in a couple of adaptations of Les Mis before, so knew what I was in for, but I’m glad I took the (long) time to absorb it that I did. Hugo digresses—a lot—and my initial disgust/irritation with them was slowly replaced by interest and fascination as I accepted his essays as an inherent part of the book. Props to the translator of this edition, also. I’m sure I shall read this book a few more times in my life. Jean Valjean is one of the most tragic, fascinating, and good-hearted characters in any piece of fiction.
Thank you, Hugo. Long-dead Romantic slutty poet and writer that you were.