A review by kellswitch
Dead Reflections by Carol Weekes


This is a collection of one horror novel, five short stories and two poems.
The main story, Dead Reflections did not really work for me, it started out creepy and suspenseful but the longer it went on the less and less creepy it became until it felt, well like a normal story, for lack of better words. Overall it was very unsatisfying and a struggle for me to finish. The two poems also left me cold but I have a love/hate, mostly hate relationship with poetry so those who are more into it may come away with a better feel for them.
Now the short stories. Oh my the short stories! They are what I was expecting and looking for. Creepy, atmospheric and unsettling they take you to that half step out of reality where all the nightmares can exist. I love how the author would use a short description of a sense, of smell, sound, touch, the feeling of something moving in the air against your skin, something in the atmosphere, to create an off balance feeling that puts you into the right state of mind and evokes what the characters are experiencing because we 19ve smelled these smelled or sensed these things but perhaps we didn 19t know why they were unsettling before. The short stories alone were definitely worth getting the book for.