A review by joshgauthier
The Sound of the World by Heart by Giacomo Bevilacqua


*Received a digital copy from NetGalley*

I didn't know much about this graphic novel when I began reading it, but the narrative still went in directions I did not expect - blending a grounded realism with moments of the surreal and the extraordinary.

With wonderful art, and a careful balance of voice and silence, "The Sound of the World by Heart" captures a tone that is thoughtful, melancholy, and tender. While dealing with themes of love, loss, isolation, and human connection, the story finds moments of beauty in the midst of the chaos that often defines daily life. It is not a graphic novel to rush through. Through stretches of only visual imagery, as well as through the musings of the small cast of characters, the struggles and triumphs witnessed by the reader are simple but powerful.

Sam's journey of silence progresses with raw humanity and occasional humor - and Bevilacqua, as the creator, navigates each twist and turn of the narrative with precision and impact. There's not much flash here - creating a simple story that is made better for its simplicity. In both the familiar and the unexpected, Bevilacqua captures something relatable about the human experience and then manages to cast it in a whole new light.