A review by wheems01
Once a Witch by Carolyn MacCullough


Tamsin was supposed to be her family's beacon, a witch more powerful than any that have come before her, but when her 8th birthday (the birthday when the witches in her family come into their power) comes and goes with no sign of Tamsin's power, she feels like a big disappointment. When a young professor comes into her family's shop while she is working one afternoon seeking her sister's help to find a clock his family lost generations ago, Tamsin claims to be her sister Rowena setting into motion a chain of events that will change her family and her history forever.

I love witchy tales, and this one was one of the best. MacCullough does a remarkable job setting the mood for this story and developing her characters. From the very beginning this novel had me hooked with its charming characters and mysterious family.

Tamsin is a charming character. She pretends to be her sister because for once in her life she wants someone to be asking for her and her help. Since her 8th birthday she has felt out of place in her family where everyone is so Talented.

Overall this was a charming fun read. I love the characters especially Gabriel. Her family is quirky and fun, I just wish I could have spent more time getting to know them.

Cautions for sensitive readers: Some drinking and violence.