A review by briancrandall
Amerika: The Missing Person by Franz Kafka


c.f. [b:David Copperfield|14800727|David Copperfield|Charles Dickens|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1546423164l/14800727._SY75_.jpg|4711940], [b:The Miner|26134900|The Miner|Natsume Sōseki|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1440081795l/26134900._SY75_.jpg|541017]
Since the student, who knew Delamarche well and had a precise understanding of the situation here and who, moreover, was an educated man, had advised him to stay, he had no qualms at all for now. He did not have such lofty aspirations as the student, for even at home who knew where he would have managed to finish his studies, and if this seemed scarcely possible at home, no one could expect him to do so here in this foreign country. But he would have greater hope of finding a post in which he could achieve something and be recognized for his achievements if he accepted the servant position at Delamarche's, and then once he had that secure position, he could wait for a favorable opportunity to arise. On this very street there appeared to be many offices of middling or low stature, and if they were short of staff, they might not be all that particular about choosing new employees. [240]