A review by literaryhaylee
CRAZY FOR THIS GIRL : A Second Chance Romance by Hazel Grace



*I was lucky enough to win an ARC of Crazy For This Girl by Hazel Grace herself*

>>this is my honest review<<

This is my first book by this author and from the very beginning I was instantly hooked. I have never read anything like this and to be quite honest, it felt much like a Colleen Hoover read - don’t come for me. Yes, I am aware CoHo is untouchable; however, this will pull at your heart strings and will have your eyes sore. It will hurt and then make it all better by the end, of course.

I enjoyed the dynamic of this book and how it was written. We see our characters grow from children into adults. This was such an endearing and realistic read. Very much relatable!! 

We start off with Laynee Reese. Just an average 14 year old girl who attended private school from kindergarten to middle school. Although, she begged her parents to allow her the privilege of public high school. Wish granted, btw. With her experience from private school, she learned how to maneuver katty girls - this comes in handy. However, before she can endure public school, it is time for her family's annual summer trip at the lake house. 

Here we meet Cal Harper, his family recently purchased the vacation home next door. Cal is the same age as Laynee and is a popular rich boy. Over the summer they spend time with one another and grow close.
Throughout their first summer together they banter, fish and swim in the lake. They bond over music and listen to their favorite bands together - except Good Charlotte.  

For the first 30% of the book, we get snippets here and there via pen pals of the growth of their friendship. Cal ends up playing football - he is really good. Laynee tries to find her place in public school - she’s not doing very well. For the next 4 years they stay in touch only to be able to spend 2 months out of the summer together. All is well - until their last year of high school…

Fast Forward a decade or so…

Everything that happened in her life has left her heart sore. She tries to push through, but something is missing.

Present Day…
Laynee and Cal’s paths cross again. Can they rekindle their friendship? Can they heal their wounds? Will there be forgiveness?