A review by cdubiel
Celia at 39 by Jason Pomerance


So, as the editor, I am clearly biased. But I will tell you, I have read this book approximately 18 billion times, and it still impresses me. From the first page, I empathized with Celia Bernhart (full disclosure: I just turned 38). Celia is a pharmaceutical rep engaged to a doctor, and I'm a librarian who's been married for 12 years, but I could definitely relate to the feeling of dread that comes with getting older. When you start to wonder - what have you done with your life so far, and what do you need to do next? On the outside, Celia's life seems perfectly respectable, but it's clear that something is missing. When she receives an old cookbook, mistakenly mailed to her, that "something missing" is what drives her to seek out its owner. And when she does, her journey truly begins. I would love for all of you to discover this delightful and poignant novel, and to meet Celia.