A review by writergirl70
In Twenty Years by Allison Winn Scotch


I got this as an ARC giveaway, just to be on the up and up. That being said-I adored every page of it! Winn Scotch has a way in all of her books of gently nudging you to fall in love with her characters and in this book she did it 7 times. All of the characters are flawed, defensive, and often selfish-the "why me?" of turning 40 lots of people feel evolving in every scene and interaction. But here's the thing their stories are told so delicately that before you realize it you are completely on their sides, even when their behavior causes them more problems. I wanted to be friends with them, both in their carefree college days, and more importantly in their adult lives where each of them seem to realize their faults and not necessarily fix them (that would be way too cliche and this book is anything but that) but contrast them. Who they wanted to be at 20 and who they are at 40 can't help but strike a universal chord in all readers. Funny, poignant and well worth the read, it is a real thinker.