A review by library_ann
The Lady and the Unicorn by Tracy Chevalier


Many of the people who could have been involved in the creation of the unicorn tapestries are points of view characters in this historic fiction : the painter, his patron, the patron's wife, their daughter, the weavers, the weavers' daughter, her secret admirer. (This collection of narrators reminded me of the Sarantium novels by [a:Guy Gavriel Kay|60177|Guy Gavriel Kay|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1218804723p2/60177.jpg].) It is all hypothesis of course, as the barest facts exist about the unicorn tapestries, but that's when the author has the most free rein. The whole thing really read like a soap opera though, in the relationships, the affairs, the social maneuvers.

I might be inspired now to read a historical book about them -- there is a good (short) bibliography included in the author's notes at the end of the novel.