A review by heather_whit
Harley's Surrender by Erin Osborne


Highly recommend this one.

Ok where to begin. This book is filled with so much heart break and love. Both Steel and Harley have sordid pasts. Harley from her brother and Steel from his parents.

Harley endured so much pain and heart break from her brother that she has a hard time letting anyone in. She cares and loves so much, but never shows it because, all she knows is those you care for either due or leave. When she finds out just how despicable her brother really is she does what she feels is necessary.

Steel falls hard for Harley and tried to get her to open up without really giving himself to her. He knows he needs too, but just like Harley he's afraid to let anyone in. Once he finally reads why Harley did what she did he pulls his head out of his ass and proves to Harley he is in it for the long haul.

Once they are back together it isn't all easy. Yes they work on their issues together and Harley on her own with speaking with somebody. They never let their guards down, but that didn't stop her evil brother from stirring up some shit. After that issue is taken care of Steel retreats into his own head, and it takes Harley to show him just how devoted she is to him and their family.

Now the thing that kinda upset me in the story is they way the club kept going at Harley. Yes, did she deserve some of it yes she did. I feel once her issues were handled the whole if your here your here speeches could have halted. I understand why she was given them in the beginning, but she wasn't the one who was hiding in their head. I guess after reading all of these books and yes I have I just felt they were harsher with her than they have been to anybody else. I do recommend this book to anyine. He'll i have recommended ALL of these books to several people.