A review by see_sadie_read
Drachenfels by Jack Yeovil, Kim Newman


Technically I have a copy of [b:The Vampire Genevieve|657351|The Vampire Genevieve|Jack Yeovil|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1176831572s/657351.jpg|643439], which is a compilation of Drachenfels, Genevieve Undead, Beasts in Velvet and Silver Nails. But after reading this first story, I'm just not interested enough to stick with it for another 500ish pages. (Not least of which, because for a book titled The Vampire Genevieve, she plays very little role in this first story.) That probably tells you more than the rest of this review ever could.

I picked the book up because it had and interesting cover and was about a female vampire. I thought it could be interesting. I didn't actually know what the Warhammer imprint was (proving unequivocally that I'm not as nerdy as I would have given myself credit for), so I didn't know what to expect.

Drachenfels struck me as a pretty run of the mill über-evil overlord tries to take over the world and is defeated by a spunky group of outcasts kind of book. Meh. It took a long time to get going, then came to a lightning-speed conclusion and ending with an everyone lived happily ever after (or not) recap of the characters. I thought the world-building was weak, the character development shallow, and the action all crammed into one end of the story. There were some really funny passages, but for the most part I was uninvested. It wasn't a waste of my time, but I'm not bothering with anymore.