A review by mothmans_mum
Teen Titans: Earth One, Volume 1 by Jeff Lemire


I first read this a few years ago and didn’t like it. I decided to reread to see if my opinion might have changed, but sadly while I didn’t hate it quite as much, it’s still not good.

The setup for the Earth One Titans origin story is blatantly ripped from Runaways, including having one of the teens turn out to be a traitor. Unlike Runaways where that’s a pulled off well and is a huge shock when you find out the identity of the mole, here there is no payoff. None of the characters have any real character development (there is lots of big beautiful artwork but barely any dialogue, and none of it very good), so when one of the bland protagonists turns out to be evil, you just don’t care.

The book aims for lots of drama, but the cartoony art style says “goofy”, and the two do not mix.

The Native American stuff seems real racist.

As is usual with Teen Titans media, the women characters are all in impractical skintight and revealing clothing, while the men aren’t. Raven’s black catsuit with cape and cowboy boots (which is implied to just be normal daywear for Native Americans in New Mexico) and Starfire’s Leeloo-esque “sexy bandages” are particularly notable.

Watching the cartoon and then Reading runaways would be a better use of your time, and much more enjoyable.