A review by fleurette
Red by Erica Spindler


This book really surprised me. I was expecting something like category romance. Easy, uncomplicated, sweet romance and what I got was so much more. It was more like Nora Roberts kind of thing but even more serious and darker. I'm not sure it is even contemporary romance, it's more like just contemporary fiction or women's fiction.

This is a story of Becky Lynn Lee struggle to find out who she really is and to find a strength in herself. The story begins when she is just a teenager from a bad side of the small town in Mississippi. After some tragic events in her life, she lefts home and goes to Los Angeles hoping for a life she saw in magazines. There she meets Jack, an ambitious photographer, who has his own dreams and battles to fight.

I liked this story even though I didn't expected to be so dark and serious. There is a chance that if I knew that, I wouldn't read this book because I don't usually read books like that, they make me sad. And there is a lot of drama in this one. I think I wish it was a bit less complicated and lighter but it's only because that's how I like my stories.
I wish Carl doesn't commit suicide or Jack saves him. That is a really disturbing part. Also I wish Becky and Jack talk to each other earlier. It's kind of sad she marries Carl for the reasons she does it. Oh, and I just realise that there no classic happy ending in this story. Yeah, definitely disturbing.

Even though this book is a bit out of my comfort zone, I'm giving it 3.5 star.