A review by welshreader
A Long Day in Lychford by Paul Cornell



So, the story is essentially an angry black woman loses control of her magical powers
and might be the cause of the world being invaded by paranormal beings
. Autumn's race was such a blink-and-you-miss-it footnote in the first book I was happy to see it explored more, but this narrative makes me uncomfortable, even if she was drunk. Mixing in the Brexit referendum was a bold choice but it lacked any nuance: all Brexit supporters were racists and Remain supporters were not. Not only is a total misrepresentation of why many people voted in favour of Brexit, it was so painfully cut and dry simply to move the narrative forwards.

Lizzie faded into the background in this one. Judith was endearing in Book 1 but by this story she's just grating on my nerves. Her "arc" didn't pull the emotional punches it should have because she was so insufferable.

The magic is as convenient as ever. I let it slide in the first book because there was room for it to be expanded and explained in future installments, but right now I'm just resigned to shit just happening because the plot needs it to.

The whole plot is just a bunch of meandering around and some set up for the next book. I wish I was exaggerating.