A review by bookswithleigh
Aru Shah and the Song of Death by Roshani Chokshi


Last Time on Keeping Up with the Pandavas...

Aru Shah has finished saving the world from the Sleeper with the help of her reincarnated sister Mini. She learned some hard truths, enjoyed the ride, and is ready to relax for a weekend. Unfortunately, the zombies have other ideas.

The Book

Aru Shah and the Song of Death is the second in the Pandava Quartet, picking up shortly after the first book ends. Zombies are attacking the Night Bazaar, controlled by a mysterious thief who stole Kamadeva's bow and arrow. It's up to Aru and Mini to save the zombie hoard and this time they're not alone. Brynne -- the third Pandava sister -- and Aiden -- a boy who won't let you forget he isn't a Pandava -- join the two on their quest. Together the four of them must prove their innocence in the divine theft or give up their connection to the Otherworld forever.

My Thoughts

I really liked Aru Shah #1. I think I liked #2 better. I find that typically the second book in a series is the worst, but Aru Shah and the Song of Death delivered just as much, if not more, than its predecessor. The addition to the main cast -- Brynne and Aiden -- was done so well. The two of them added their own dynamic to the group as well as changed the dynamics within that were already established.

I won't say much on the plot -- it's your typical hero's quest in the style of the Lightning Thief -- but the tone and humor of the book continued to deliver throughout. We learn a tad bit more about the Naga from the Night Bazaar in #1 as well, and I'm excited to see where that string leads in the next book. I enjoyed the continual inclusion of diversity, the importance placed on stories, and the mythology we learn along the way. I also felt that #2 delivered on a lot of character development for most of the main characters, which is what I want most out of the books I read.

4 out of 5 stars.