A review by amythebookworm
Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin


First things first, all women and birth professionals need to read this book!!!!!!!!!!

I think that in the modern world of medicalised birth and pregnancy it is so important that books like this are read by as many people as possible. Birth is a feminist issue and now more than ever women are being forced to have medicalised, heartless births where professionals simply don’t care about the mental well-being of the woman!

The birth stories at the beginning are really inspiring and show how birth isn’t just a painful obstacle but an empowering journey and the information later in the book is useful for making informed decisions especially considering how biased many medical professionals can be. 

Some people might find the hippy language a bit confusing and off putting, but I really enjoyed it. One note is that this book was published a while ago so some information may be a little out of date.

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