A review by gothiclibrarian
Fallen by Lauren Kate


I had heard a lot of positive reaction to this book and upon seeing it at the library, I thought the synopsis sounded interesting and the cover was gorgeous. I couldn’t wait to start reading it. However, I was quickly disappointed.

To me, this book reads like Twilight if you had replaced vampires with fallen angels. I know there are a lot of Twilight fans out there, but I am not one of them. The prologue was very interesting, but the more I read, this less seemed to be happening in the book. You spend most of the book in Luce’s head, which was kind of irritating to me.

I really hate when girls ignore guys who are really into them to chase after, or in this case, stalk boys who want nothing to do with them or treat them like crap. Just because a guy is cute does not give him the right to treat girls like that don’t matter, nor should a girl put up with such behavior.

A lot of the first part of the book was spent dealing with the issue of whether or not Luce will make friends at her new reform school and once she finally does, you don’t hear much about her friends for chapters. The scenes just seemed to be slight variations of ones that had already happened and it got rather boring.

I know that it’s part of a series, but I really dislike when book one of a series becomes mostly set up. I know that the book has a lot of fans, but this one just didn’t do it for me and I don’t see myself continuing with the series. Despite the tag lines, I didn’t see much sexiness, romance or even all that much mystery in this one. I really wish it had turned out differently because I felt that this book had so much promise to be one that I would really like.