A review by yuusasih
Crash & Burn by Abigail Roux


3,5 stars.

I love the first half of this story, starting to question why some people seems disappointed in this book, and then the second half, I got the answer.

Abi is good at building tension, spiking questions on who was on Ty and Zane's side and who's not. But when it comes to explain those questions, it goes downhill so fast. The final act seems too dramatic--comic/manga cliche-dramatic--and I think I cannot handle that in a novel. Every interesting points in the beginning went cold after
SpoilerNick's abuse and dramatic goodbye--like, why you make freaking Nick to act as if he's the one who will die in a drama-hero style while simultaneously promoting the upcoming Nickell's story? Why not Owen or Digger? That way readers will actually scream and not "Nooooo don't let Nick died he still got the next Sidewinder book to promote!" scream. Seriously Ms. Roux didn't assume all the readers to read C&B before the press release of Part & Parcel, because this Nick thing will be a "huh" aspect if someone read this book after Part & Parcel released. And that bit about Zane suddenly faking turning back for the Cartel? Meh. Who would've believe that? Hell, even if Ty believe that his freaking husband betrayed him, the big mafia organization as Vega Cartel shouldn't believe it that much to let Zane execute his own friends and spouse alone. That bit just make like Vega Cartel didn't deserve their reputation as a big ass dealer. And in the end, even the conflict resolution still didn't answer anything about.... everything.

But I love Ty and Zane interaction in here, more talking with their mouths instead of d*cks like they did in book 8. More heart-to-heart while still sexy, some flangst, so much chemistry even with Nick's constant try to be total hardass. I get the Zane I adore back in this book, that handsome, Spanish-tongue, knives handler, close-range combatant hardass nerd. I really love his final showdown
Spoilerclose-range knives combat with Jack Tanner
and couldn't help but doing snoopy dance when he badassedly won. But Ty... well... he's just a sobbing mess in this book I don't even know why.

I'd say, romance side, Ty and Zane close their story in a good way. The action is perfect. The suspense is so much engaging while it lasts. The drama is too much. Is it a good closure book? It has weaknesses, but I guess it's okay. I'm satisfied and not at all disappointed, though the "burn talk" is annoying. Thank you for writing my first and ultimate M/M novel OTP, Abi and Madeleine! I'll remember Ty and Zane forever.

p.s. can we have another Julian Cross' story? I mean, his another book, not just as cameo.